About Us

Is A Dance Gym Life is proudly run by Bianca a behind the scenes dance mum of the past 15 years. With 2 girls who dance competitively and several other kids who like to keep active we set about collating some great products that allow kids to move and dance either competitively or just for fun.

Realising that little dancers grow up to be bigger dancers and then into dance mums themselves we opened our range up to cater for all sizes from a kids 4 to Ladies XXL.  We love to celebrate all sizes moving and grooving.

We believe in our local community and our Dance community, which is why you will find us active in many of the industry events.  So if you see us around come and say Hi! and introduce yourself.

Find more funny behind the scenes dance mum life by heading over and following our Instagram or check out our blog posts for some great tips and hints.
